• Towards a Dementia-Friendly Future:Bridging Awareness and Action in Search and Rescue

    Purpose of the Training

    Designed as self-paced learning, the aim of this training is to equip first responders with the necessary preparation and intervention knowledge and skills specific to Alzheimer's loss cases.

    Course Structure

    This course offers first responders and caregivers a comprehensive, self-paced learning experience on Alzheimer's disease. Divided into modules covering key aspects of care and response, it includes interactive quizzes, videos, resources, and online support. Participants emerge well-prepared and confident to make a positive impact on those with Alzheimer's.

    What You'll Learn

    Participants will gain a profound understanding of Alzheimer's disease, learn key communication techniques, develop safe intervention strategies, and foster collaboration between caregivers and first responders. Our aim is to enhance care quality, save lives, and positively impact individuals with Alzheimer's and their communities.

    A Hands-on Course

    Explore the course content through a series of well-organized modules. Each module covers essential aspects of Alzheimer's care and response. Take your time to absorb the knowledge presented and engage with the provided resources.

    Interactive Learning

    Throughout the course, you will find interactive elements such as quizzes, case studies, and practical exercises. These interactive components are designed to reinforce your understanding and help you apply your knowledge effectively.

    From Theory to Practice

    Apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios and case studies. Gain first-hand experience which will enhance your problem-solving skills and prepare you to respond confidently in various situations.


    Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate to recognize your dedication and newly acquired skills. This certification can be a valuable asset in your caregiving or first responder career
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